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Construction Equipment for Rent
in Southern Ontario
Ontario Equipment Rentals is a leading construction equipment rental business serving in Southern Ontario, Canada. We offer the latest excavators, skid steers, backhoes and aerial lifts for rent at competitive pricing.
What We Offer
Ontario Equipment Rentals offers a variety of excavators (short-tail, zero swing, standard, and long reach) for rent. We also offer attachment options along with the equipment that comes with various bucket sizes, hammers, and more. We rent all-new most up-to-date models of equipment. We have a fleet of new equipment for all your rental requirements. Questions? Please call or email our committed rental team anytime!

Why Choose Us
Our team is committed to offering quality customer care and assistance in the rental process. We offer you the latest models, and top-notch weighty development hardware joined with individual assistance. We know having the perfect hardware at the perfect time amplifies your productivity: you possibly pay for development gear when you need it, and you have the adaptability to pick the best gear for each job!